Research Overview
Respiratory Epithelial Progenitors in Injury and Repair in Response to SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Application of triple lineage reporter system in studying epithelial progenitors of alveolar regeneration in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection
How Does Epithelial ER Stress Lead to Pulmonary Fibrosis?
We are investigating how activation of ER stress leads to excessive MUC5B production in the distal airways that promotes persistence of KRT8+ intermediate stem cell state and the development of pulmonary fibrosis.
STAT3 Regulates Mucociliary Clearance in the Airway Epithelia
STAT3 is required for coordinated cilia (from ciliated cell) and CFTR (from secretory cell) activities to maintain normal mucociliary clearance in airway epithelium. We are studying the role of mutant STAT3 (presented in Job’s syndrome) in contributing both cilia and CFTR-dependent abnormalities that lead to failed mucociliary clearance in the lung, the major cause of chronic pulmonary infection in Job’s syndrome patients. PCL: periciliary layer
Generation of in vitro Airway Epithelial Cell Culture Models
We aim to generate upper and lower airway epithelial cultures from animal models in vitro. Using conditional reprogramming culture method followed by optimized differentiation protocols, we have developed models for mucus farming, studying ciliogenesis and mucociliary clearance.