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Past Members

A portrait style photo of Anshu Deshmukh.

Anshu Deshmukh is a masters student in the physiology program at Case Western Reserve University and is a member of the Frank Xie lab at the Cleveland Clinic. They plan to apply to medical schools in the 2024 cycle.

A portrait style photo of Olivia Maidans.

Olivia Maidans worked in the Chen lab as a lab manager and research assistant supporting lab members on various projects to further explore gene expression and its effects on chronic airway inflammatory diseases in mouse models.

Taraneh Sadritabrizi received her B.S. in Biology from UNC Chapel Hill and is currently a graduate student in the BBSP (Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program) class of 2024. She plans to use the skills she has gained in the Chen lab to pursue research in toxicology and environmental medicine.

Lynn Zhou received her B.S. in Neuroscience from UNC Chapel Hill and is currently earning her D.D.S. at UNC Adams School of Dentistry. Working in the Chen lab honed her dexterity skills and expanded her knowledge on health and disease, which greatly influenced her decision to pursue dentistry.